27e gathering of Lepages
July 5-6, 2025
Holiday Inn Hotel
900 St-Charles Street
Longueuil, Qc
J4H 3Y2
To all members, spouses,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you once again to our annual gathering of Lepage families of America. This event will take place on July 5 & 6, 2025 in the beautiful city of Longueuil on the South Shore of Montreal.
We invite you to participate in large numbers in this meeting which brings together all the descendants of the Lepage families of America regardless of your ancestry. It is also a great way to reunite with family and create new ties, share memories and strengthen the bonds that unite us all.
Take the opportunity to plan a vacation in the Montreal or Montérégie region or any other region in the surrounding area.
The Board of Directors of the Association des Lepage d'Amérique Inc. and the organizing committee thank you in advance for your involvement. This is a festive event not to be missed.
We must receive your response before June 15th. next. After this date, we will not be able to modify our banquet and there may be no more rooms available at the hotel.
If you need a room at the Holiday Inn Hotel. You must give the code: ADL to get the group price. The prices are $189 per night double occ. and $199 per night triple occ. A set of rooms has been reserved for the association up to 1er June. Book early.
Here is our programming:
Saturday July 5:
8:30 am
10 a.m. Registration in the hotel lobby
10 a.m. Departure Visit to the Vinéterra Vineyard
(Lunch available on site)
(Wood-fired pizza - cheese and cold meat platter)
15 p.m. Course on genealogy and our two websites
16 p.m. Annual General Meeting
17:45 p.m. Cocktail, followed by the Banquet
music with animation by Claude & Lyne
Sunday July 6:
9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Brunch at the hotel restaurant & closing of the gathering
(You must tell us if you wish to reserve for brunch at the hotel restaurant)
For more information: Danielle Lavoie 0196: 450-501-8017 or Denis 0022: 418-540-1443 or any other member of the board of directors who will be happy to answer your questions.