Some historical dates
1652: Around 1652, marriage of Germain Lepage and Reine Lory, in Ouanne, Burgundy, France,
In 1656: Baptism of René Lepage, son of Germain Lepage, in Ouanne, Burgundy.
In 1661: Arrival in Quebec of Germain and Louis Lepage, son of Etienne Lepage and Nicole Berthelot. They have a 3 year commitment before settling permanently. Louis and Germain had therefore come here as scouts "with the caution of certain migratory birds".
In 1663: Celebration of the first mass on the south shore of the St. Lawrence by the Jesuit Father Henri Nouvel; this place is therefore called Pointe-au-Père.
In 1664: on July 9, the name of Germain Lepage appears for the first time in the national archives. It is about the land grant by Mrs. D'Ailleboust to "take in the fief and seigneury of Argentenay in the list of Orleans of the North Coast".
In 1664: the engagement of Germain and Louis is ended. Marie-Barbe de Boulogne, wife of Louis D'Ailleboust, grants them a few acres to be taken in the seigneury of Argentenay, in the parish of Sainte-Famille, Ile-d'Orléans
In 1664: June 3, confirmation from Germain Lepage in Quebec.
In 1667: the August 24, marriage of Louis Lepage and Sébastienne Loignon.
In 1670: Arrival of the ancestor Jean Pagési, native of Gémozac, France and his confirmation by Mgr de Laval in Quebec.
In 1670: On August 16, marriage of ancestor Pierre-Charles Lefrançois dit Lepage (native of La Rochelle) and Marie-Madeleine Gaumond.
In 1672: on October 24, Germain and Louis Lepage decide to divide their farm in two.
In 1672: Arrival of Germain's wife, Marie-Reine Lory, Constance (sister of Germain and Louis), René and Etienne (the father of Germain and Louis). They are present at the baptism of the 3e daughter of Louis en1673. Reine Lory is godmother.
In 1673: on August 14, brothers Germain and Louis Lepage sell their land to the Hospitalières de Québec for 415 tournaments.
In 1674: Marriage of Constance Lepage (sister of Germain and Louis) and François Garinet (Garnier).
In 1677: The Lepages move to St-François, IO on the south side of the Island. Germain occupies lot 152 and Louis occupies lot 151.
In 1681: at the census of 1681, Louis 40 years and Sebastienne Loignon, his wife, 30 years, own 1 rifle, 11 horned beasts, 12 arpents of land in cultivation
In 1684: On February 14, marriage of the ancestor Jean-Baptiste Pagési dit St-Amant (and Lepage) and Marie-Catherine Gladu in Cap-de-la-Madeleine. They had 5 children.
In 1686: Marriage of René Lepage and Marie-Madeleine Gagnon, aged 15. They will have 17 children.
In 1688: Death of Constance Lepage in St-François, IO
In 1688: Concession of a seigneury (2 leagues abreast by 2 leagues deep, including Île Saint-Barnabé) by Governor Denonville and Intendant Champigny to Augustin Rouer de Villeray and La Cardonnière who named it Rimouski and Saint-Barnabé .
In 1690: August 22, 1690, birth of Louis Lepage, priest, canon and lord of Terrebonne in St-François de l'Ile-d'Orléans.
In 1692: October 26, baptism of Jean-Baptiste Pagési, son, in Lachine.
In 1693: Governor Louis de Buade, Count of Frontenac, and Intendant Bochart de Champigny conceded to René Lepage a seigneury one league in front by two in depth, behind the fief of Lespinay, located at Rivière-du-Sud (near de Cap-St-Ignace) and that he called from “Sainte-Claire”.
In 1694: on July 10, the Sieur de la Cordonnière proposed to René Lepage de Sainte-Claire to exchange his land in Ile-d'Orléans for the seigneury of Rimouski, which had belonged to Augustin Rouer de la Cordonnière since 1688.
In 1695: on April 27, death of Jean Pagési dit St-Amant-Lepage.
In 1696: Concession of a seigneury (1 1/2 front on 2 leagues deep) by Governor Frontenac and Intendant Champigny to Pierre de Lessard and Barbe Fortin, his wife, who named it Pointe-au-Père.
In 1696: René Lepage from Sainte-Claire and his wife, followed by Germain Lepage, left Ile-d'Orléans to settle in Rimouski, with his first 4 children. The others will be born in Rimouski. 4 girls will become nuns. Their son Louis will be a priest and lord of Terrebonne.
XNUMX: Reine Lory, Germain's wife, passed away on February XNUMX XNUMX. Germain was widowed when he left Ile-d'Orléans for Rimouski.
In 1696: René Lepage, with Gabriel Thibierge, acquires the seigniory of L'Anse-aux-Coques (Ste-Luce), which will be called seigneury Lepage-Thibierge. Gabriel Thibierge is the husband of Marie-Madeleine Lepage, the daughter of Louis Lepage and Sébastienne Loignon.
In 1698: The ancestor Antoine Pagé-Lepage dit St-Antoine marries Madeleine Colin in Longueuil. They will have 16 children.
In 1702: Death of Sébastienne Loignon in St-François, IO on December 3, 1702.
In 1703: August 25, René Lepage acquires the Pachot fief at Rivière-Métis. He also obtained part of the seigneury Lessard, from Pierre Lessard (Pointe-au-Père or La Mollaye)
In 1710: Death of Louis Lepage in St-François, IO on November 27, 1710.
In 1712: Construction of the first chapel in Rimouski.
In 1715: On April 6, Bishop de Saint-Valier ordained Louis Lepage a priest and immediately sent him to exercise his ministry, as pastor, in the parish of Île-Jésus, near Montreal.
In 1717: Testament of Germain Lepage
In 1718: Death of the founding lord René Lepage of Rimouski at the age of 62. The seigneuress, M.-Magdeleine Gagnon survived him 26 years.
In 1720: Louis Lepage, parish priest, bought the seigneury of Terrebonne for 10 pounds, created the “les Bois” mission and built the first chapel.
In 1723: Date of canonical foundation of the parish of Saint-Louis de Terrebonne.
In 1723: Germain Lepage dies in Rimouski.
In 1724: The seigneury of Rimouski was bequeathed by René Lepage de Sainte-Claire to his son, Pierre Lepage de Saint-Barnabé (1/2), and to his other children (1/2}.
In 1734: Construction of the first church of St-François-de-Sales, in Ile-d'Orléans.
In 1742: Construction of the first church in Rimouski. The second in 1790.
In 1744: Maison Lamontagne, wooden house, built for the wedding of Marie-Agnès Lepage (Daughter of Pierre Lepage, 2e lord of Rimouski) and Basile Côté (m. on September 27, 1744). The oldest house in Bas-St-Laurent. It became a museum in 1982.
In 1745: The priest of Terrebonne abandons his seigneury and cedes it to Louis de Chapt, sieur de Lacombe.
In 1747: 1750 The seigneury of Pointe-au-Père, also called La Mollay and Lessard, is gradually acquired by Paul Lepage de la Mollay.
In 1751: Increase of the seigneury of Rimouski by 1 1/4 leagues front on 2 leagues deep in favor of Pierre Lepage de Saint-Barnabé.
In 1756: Paul Lepage de la Mollay cedes his rights in the seigneury of Trois-Pistoles to Nicolas-Dominique Lepage de la Fossaye in exchange for the latter's rights in the seigneury of Rimouski
In 1762: Construction of a first chapel in Rimouski.
In 1762: February 22, marriage of ancestor Gaspard Lepage and Madeleine Gauthier-Landreville at L'Assomption.
In 1762: On December 3, death of Louis Lepage, parish priest and Lord of Terrebonne.
In 1775: The seigneury of Pointe-au-Père is shared between the heirs of Paul Lepage (Isabelle Lepage, Marie Lepage, Pierre Lepage de Saint-Barnabé, Thérèse Lepage, Cécile Lepage, Geneviève Lepage, Véronique Lepage and Lepage de Saint-Germain).
In 1787: Construction of a second chapel to replace the first in Rimouski.
In 1790: Joseph Drapeau acquired the seigneury of Rimouski and Métis. He then became Lord of Rimouski and Métis.
In 1823: Construction of the third church in Rimouski. The oldest stone church in eastern Quebec, the one that will become the Rimouski regional museum on June 24, 1972. It is located between the cathedral and the Rimouski maritime institute.
In 1825: Construction of the house occupied today by Pierre-Paul Lepage, on the summit row in Rimouski, house built by Pierre Lepage and Agnès Ruest (m. On January 29, 1811), renovated several times thereafter.
In 1829: Canonical erection of the parish of Sainte-Luce, on the territory of the former lordship Lepage-Thibierge of Anse-aux-Coques.
In 1833: Appointment of the first resident parish priest of Rimouski. The seigniory belongs in part to the heirs of Joseph Drapeau and in part to the heirs of Louis Lepage, Charles Lepage, Paulette Lepage, Jean Lepage, Ulger Lepage, Édouard Pouliot, Victor Rehel, Alexandre and Etienne Côté, André Côté, Théodore Gagnon, Pierre Gagné said Bellavance, Hilaire Saint-Laurent, Octave Ruest, Siméon Lelièvre, Nicolas Lévesque and Olivier Pinault.
In 1854: Abolition of the seigneurial regime.
In 1854: Construction of the current Rimouski Cathedral which will be completed in 1862. Opening on January 9, 1862. Erection into a cathedral on January 15, 1867 by Bishop Jean Langevin and consecration on May 28, 1953 by Bishop Charles-Eugène Parent.
1858: On March 10, canonical erection of the parish of St-Anaclet de Lessard, on part of the territory of the former seigneury of Pierre Lessard.
By Marius Lepage