Sale of land located in Côte Ste-Marie, seigneury of Terrebonne,
on the south side of the Ste-Marie river
By Louis Lepage, priest lord of the fiefdom and lordship of Terrebonne,
to Jacques Barbe from Terrebonne
December 27, 1737,
In front of the royal notary of Montreal residing in L'Isle Jesus underlined and witnesses finally named was present Messire Louis Lepage of St-Clair priest lord of the fieffe and lordship of Terbonne; who recognized and confessed to having bailed and conceded to title of cens and seignorial land rent and non-redeemable, the d. This is a lot of profits and lots of flaws and almonds when the case will be there, now and always has promised and promises to guarantee any disturbances and impediments generally any Jacques Barbe resident of the d. places of Terbonne. at this present and accepting taker for him his rights and successors in the future a land and concessions divided and divided in the coste Ste Marie seigneury of Terbonne; on the south side of the d. river of the capacity of four arpant of front by twenty arpant of depth, holding from one end in front to the d. river, and at the other end behind, the ungranted lands, joining on one side Jacques Limoges and on the other side Ambroise Migneron, and so that the whole thing continues and includes, for the d. land enjoy doing and arranging by the d. Prenneur his d. heirs and successors in pure roture, and any property at the expense of the following clauses and conditions know that the d. lessee has promised and promises to oblige and submits for him his d. heirs and successors to pay each year to my said Lord Lord or to his representatives to his receivers or to the bearer in his seigneurial hostel and place of receipt at d. places of Terbonne, two soils for each arpant in superficy, and four soils of cens for all the d. concessions, all payable in money on the day and feste of St Martin on November eleven of each year and whose first year of payment will fall to d. day eleven November of next year with all other seignorial rights according to the custom of Paris. Can not d. tenant master sell give cede ny transported all or parts of the d. concessions in no dead hand or in communality or to put there cens on cens, and without the presents being able to harm or prejudice the rights of my d. Lord, Lord, have those of others, just as the d. Prenneur to work incessantly on the d. concessions to build and maintain fire and places in the year and today and maintain everything in its state and valance always so much that the d. Custody and rent can easily perceive and take to the d. November eleven day of each year to cover the deser of the neighbors of the d. concessions as and when necessary and as soon as they are required, will suffer on the d. concessions all the paths that my d. Sieur Seigneur will judge appropriately among other things a proper path to pass on the storefront of ycelle concessions that he will make and maintain at his costs and expenses, grind all his grains at the mills of the d. seigneurie and not ad other, to be found every year on the first day of May to help plant the may in front of the seigneurial manor, and in the event of a sale of all or parts of the d. concessions this reserve my d. Sir Lord the rights to withdraw it preferentially by repaying the hardship of the principal price of his acquisition and loyal coux, further promise the d. Prenneur to have the d. concessions by a surveyor juror and provide as many presentte aon d. Sieur Seigneur in eight days, even in the case of all or part of the d. concessions the purchaser will be obliged to provide my d. Lord Lord copy of the contract of his acquisition in eight days of the same day, the twenty days for the latest after his acquisition, and the d. Prenneur his d. hoir and having caused missed or contravened some of the clauses above in this case for my d. Sieur Seigneur cy bon I can see him come back and take the d. concessions without for this opserver any formalities of procedure in which case the presents will be null and will only be used to make pay by my d. Sir Lord of the arrears of the d. and all who are found when due, and all of whom are sincere and loyal, when the d. Prenneur his d. heirs and having causes can claim to be reimbursed for the work and buildings that they have done or had done on the d. concessions, because thus, promising Xc obliging Xc giving up Xc done and passed to d. Isle Jesus estude of the d. notary, in the year one thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven on the twenty-seventh day of December, following the midnight of Jean Carriere, residing in the vilage of the Riviere des Prairies, and Louis Filatro, resident of the d. Isle Jesus witnesses who have with my d. Lord Lord and notary signed on d. owner having declared that he did not know how to write or sign this inquiry reading made according to the ordenance; crossed out nine words as null and approved two good referrals.
Lepage de Ste Claire parish priest
Louis Filatro
Source: Raoul Barbe's paper
(Descendant of Jacques Barbe)